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ecu goes lean with "auto tune" on


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Engine up and running and used auto tune to fill a few low throttle position cells. Seemed OK. Put car on Dyno an as soon as it sees any load with auto tune on it goes full lean. AFR sensor is wired in to ecu and I see the same lean condition on the Innovate gauge as the laptop in the Link screen shot. Attached is the tune file. What the hell did I do wrong. Thanks


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This ECU is replacing a flaky EMS8860 that usually worked, till it didn't and would loose trigger signal. So the Ignition map was a direct copy and the fuel map as close as I could get in injector on time is a copy. So it should be damn close. Had you spent any time looking at the file you would see the tuned cells and how close they were to there starting point. I should note that this is a 2.4 NA engine w/14:1 compression, large overlap cams and Individual throttle bodies running only TPS. 

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When you say "autotune" I assume you mean quicktune right?

Were you using manual or auto mode?  Did you hit F10 to start it working?  What did the status text show - waiting, lockout or target reached?  Was it changing the numbers in the fuel table?

Your basic map settings look ok.  I cant see what quicktune settings you were using as they are stored in the PC.  The only reason the quicktune would remove fuel is if the measured lambda was richer than the target lambda.  Your target lambda table looks ok, so my first thought is possibly the quicktune hadnt actually been started.  As far as I can see none of the higher load sites have been adjusted at all.

Can you try again but do a log at the same time and attach here.

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Adam, I was using manual mode. It started tuning without hitting F10. I used F10 to set the cell when the green light came on. I did those initial cells unloaded off the dyno. As soon as I put any load on it on the dyno, like just trying to get the wheels rolling the AFR goes to 22.7.  Any suggestions?

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It very much sounds like quicktune wasnt doing anything at all and you were probably just moving into a cell that is too small.   In manual mode it wont make any adjustment until it has been centred on the cell you want to adjust within the set centre tolerance and the stabalise time has elapsed, the status will then only change to "ready". Once it says ready you then have to hit F10 again and it will only then try to adjust anything.  It will only adjust that one cell, if you move out of that cell centre it will stop adjusting and you then go back to "waiting" mode and you have to push F10 again to start any adjustment happening.

I think we will only see what is going on with a log.

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1 hour ago, Zchris said:

Adam, I was using manual mode. It started tuning without hitting F10. I used F10 to set the cell when the green light came on. I did those initial cells unloaded off the dyno. As soon as I put any load on it on the dyno, like just trying to get the wheels rolling the AFR goes to 22.7.  Any suggestions?

You need to tune EACH cell. The fuel table graph looks like it hasn't been touched 

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