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Posts posted by Btune

  1. Hey Adam, battery on the GTR comes standard in the trunk and it grounds behind the rear seats.  I could try grounding the battery to the engine for testing.

    Also serviced the starter and it cranks a bit faster but when it's hot and I let it sit for a while, same issue.

    Will check the connector since I already had to Dremel the bolt a bit as the link didnt have the proper depth for it and couldn't fasten the connector properly.

  2. Hello, I have a customer car (R33 GTR RB26) with NZ Wiring trigger kit. Car starts perfectly and runs fine. However after some time running if if I shut it off, It wont start back up again.

    Trigger starts throwing errors and it doesnt sync. However if it manages to start it will run well without any errors. The problem seems to occur only on hot starts and while cranking. 

    I attach logs and the map.


    trigger rb26 nzwiring fail2.llgx trigger rb26 nzwiring working.llgx rb26 nzwiring test.pclx

  3. Hey AdamW,

    The car starts OK. However I was hoping it would stall or throw trigger errors when the vacuum disconnected.

    Also im having a hard time controlling the fueling. If I change my master fuel value by 1 it swings from 8afr to 20afr. 

    Will try with the settings you mention.


  4. On 11/28/2020 at 3:43 AM, Adamw said:

    Its not at present unfortunately but there are a couple of work arounds we can try.  If you had an external scope that would make it easy but most likely we can work it out without one.  

    Make sure ITB's are synced as good as possible by eye, throttle stops are set at a realistic idle opening, then set up ECU logging to log all the time and log parameters Trigger 1 state, MAP and Internal MAP at 1000Hz, and give us a log of a cranking attempt.  That may give us enough to get it right. 

    Hello guys,

    I've been trying to setup a similar setup and having some issues with the map sync. 

    I attach a log of the car idling. 

    Any suggestions for the sync tooth and map offset?

    It would be nice if there was a way to verify the sync from Map level when using this strategy.




    said log1.llgx

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