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Posts posted by Speedy73

  1. 1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

    For the RB25 S2 coils in a waste spark configuration wire Coils 1 & 6 to Ign 1, Coils 2 & 5 to Ign 2 and Coils 3 & 4 to Ign 3. Power is ignition switched battery power (like the injectors and any idle solenoids), Ground is typically straight to cylinder head.

    This ordering and wiring should be the same as your current setup when you look at how the Ignition leads are connected to the existing coils.

    Ok Thanks for that.

    So the coils and injectors fire in a different order ?  Your above attachment has  1-5, 3-6, 2-4 for the injectors

  2. Yes it currently has individual coils from a early 1990s model v6 commodore they all fire at once on a wasted spark setup. I’ll be replacing the coils with rb25 s2 units and a new coil harness, also the new harness has power and earth wires, are they plugged into the ecu or battery and earthed.

    Thank you.


  3. I have a Nissan RB30de with a Link G4X Atom ,it was initially setup as a wasted spark firing all coils and injectors at once. I would like to change it to semi sequential on both.

    Do I pair the coils as per cylinder.  1-6, 2-5, 3-4.  Do I use ignition pins 1,2,3

    Is it the same setup with the injectors.



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