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Posts posted by MWall292

  1.  https://imgur.com/a/K2sLidd

    G4 Storm top board plug n play in a '98 EJ20K STi 

    What would cause a log to just flatline like this but maintain connection? It's like it froze for 15 mins or so and picked back up at the end. If I Play the log, the value list stops moving at like 12:20. If I scroll through the value list, the time plot jumps over the whole flatlined section and picks up again at roughly 27:00.

    I also had this happen the other day:

    ECT and MAP were fluctuating constantly super fast like a pulsing signal. Temp changes glitching back and forth from roughly 86 to 71 at idle. My misfire perfectly synced to that fluctuating signal pulse. Attempting to log this resulted in a 900+ minutes long log that was nothing but a flatline with a throttle blip at the end. No where near what happened in reality.

    ECU issue, connection issue, or electrical issue? 

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