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Gary Mounsey

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Posts posted by Gary Mounsey

  1. Hi Cameron, Will the setup have the option to run twin solenoids , for external gates , so you can remove boost to bottom port all together etc to aide spool even more ??.. Gary For me this is the most anticipated 'missing' feature for the G4

  2. Hi Ashley. Hmm ok, that may explain it.. i have the G1 map but i think it won't display the timing area until connected so i cant check what the base was. I did find a problem though. I was setting the timing on the G4 via the timing loop (No.1 primary loop) , as most people would in an R33. However when timing it on weekend via a lead i had made up off the coil directly...... it was 11-12 degrees retarded , relative to the primary loop. I assume the wastespark is causing the confusion to the timing lights. Gary

  3. Hi Guys, Bit of a weird one..... i swapped to the G4 plugin (for a rb25det S1 Skyline) from a original GTS-T LINK PLUGIN . Here's the only problem i found (aside from the Auto tps switch problem !) The base timing is set correctly on both of them, and on max power with the original GTST LINK, i was running 14 degrees. With the new G4 installed and timing zeroed, i ended up at 26 degrees full load (20psi) to get the same power ..... This freaked us out abit.... and we re-checked the timing many times with a few lights , incase the wastespark setup was throwing things out. So, can anyone tell me why this is so ? I can only think of something triggering of an opposite edge (falling to rising etc) to cause such a difference. I didn't hold the timing light on the crank when doing a run to verify it was 26 deg, as i didnt have a helper with me when i did the dyno. Asking on the skylines forum, another tuner said he noticed similar as well going from a POWER FC to the G4 ..... so i feel justified is asking on here ...... Gary

  4. Ah ok cameron, thanks. Is this something in the pipeline in a reasonable timeframe ? (ie if/when canbus enabled, users can plug in input as well as output devices ) Seems a waste to have the hardware there and not be usable. How about closed loop boost control.... thats a big one missing too. Gary

  5. Ashley, can the canbus be used to plug in more sensors ? If so, does link give out specs for interfacing to it too allow custom ext temp/ pressure etc etc sensors to be added ?? (yes i design electronics, and have a multiple pressure sensor board designed with canbus , so of course i had to ask if it was able to be interfaced to the Link given the right info.) Gary

  6. Guys, Some things id like to see added. (sorry if i missed something) 1. When selecting an analogue volt input as GP PRESSURE, it would be nice to have all (or the generic ones) Map sensors available in the list, not just the CAL tables... Ie, im using the LINK 2.5 Bar (as used as main input on the GTST Link plugin) as a GP Press at turbo , to be able to see cooler/piping pressure loss. 2. When using a second digital input as SPEED, would be nice to have a feature to compare and report %Difference or SLIP 3. A feature that allows you to , using a spare DI as 2nd RPM connected to gearbox input shaft (auto or manual ) , display SLIP value between engine RPM and shaft RPM. Thanks Gary

  7. Guys, I was just out playing with comp, pulling logs etc ... and i noticed 2 problems... When i log on the PC inside PCLink, no problems at all with all values displayed. However, when i use ECU logging and then play back one of the downloaded logs, the Wastegate DC reads whatever value the solenoid is last at when you logoff PCLink to run the playback. Normally this is 0, but i lowered all the lockout values etc to get it showing a value at idle, just to verify, and sure enought that constant value is in the ECU logs. Also, i use Analogue 4 as a GP Pressure (link 2.5Bar) using CAL5 . Logs fine in pclink logging, 100kpa with engine stopped, as it should..... but ecu logging shows a value of 10 ... if pclink logging reads fine, why no ecu logging ? Gary

  8. Wrote the software for the micro today and wired it in and hot glued it to the Reluctor/Hall sandwich this arvo and it worked first go. All running well and Tacho reading 900rpm instead of 1800 ! Why do i always get the hard ones.. :_) Gary

  9. Long shot here i know , and more than likley i'll have this sorted tomorrow, but for interest and possibly incredible luck saving from someone at link.... Putting a Linkplus G1 into a 96 ford probe.... first off, theres stuff all info out there on them.... anything on the web i found was for a 94 model V6 Ok so trigger seemed to be all from dizzy and be hall effect... no probs.... But once into it, going off ecu pinouts i had off net, i realised i was only getting 1 channel from CAS working, and it was reluctor not hall.... So at that point i realised it must of had an actual crank sensor, and since there was no sync i scoped the dizzy to find a lovley sync pulse. (12:1 ratio to CAS ) I had to manually trace it back to ecu, and found it . Diagrams said "diagnostics" , so anyway, after that sorted, next dilema.... I now have reluctor and hall inputs...... So i soldered a reluctor and piggybacked a hall board onto. cut track on unused channel on reluctor board and all was sweet.... got car running no probs... Then the next dilemma............ the crank has 6 pulses per revoloution...... and therefore the link see's twice the RPM. And fires the ignitor twice as often.... And since the tacho is powered off the dizzy, based on the ignitor input .... tacho shows twice rpm... ARRRRGGGG Ok, so tomorrow im programming up a microcontroller to divide by two the CAS signal, with the division aligned to the SYNC pulse so as to be constant every time. Now i know this will work , but in the interest of saving abit of time, is there any other way in software to have the link work with 6pulses per crank rev ???? (V6 engine) Frustrated. Gary

  10. Aux out currently has alot of options which are great, however it would be nice to add GP Pressure and GP Volts from the analogue menu as well Ie , being able to switch on a warning LED when pressure is too low etc ,. Currently if we setup a voltage input , be it from a pressure sensor or something else, all we can do is log it.... would be nice to be able to actually switch something when a certain value is reached etc Also in the same guise, being able to change limits based on analogue inputs.... ie rpm limit reduction if something is getting to hot etc etc . Gary Mounsey Townsville QLD

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