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Duncan Meyer

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Posts posted by Duncan Meyer

  1. Joseph, Hi. I'm based in Auckland. Where are you? I am brand new to UCU's and to engines in general, but work in the IT industry, and am comfortable with software. I have more questions than would seem polite to ask on a forum such as this. But here are a few... I'm building a two-seat aircraft, and hope to power it with a BMW R1200 motorcycle engine. Unfortunately, this engine is run almost entirely by an ECU which takes a zillion inputs (eg: ABS system, tyre pressure etc) which in an aircraft would not be required. My understanding is that if these inputs are not there, the system logs an error, and the ECU can get a bit miffed by this. I could opt for the slightly older R1150 engine, but it is heavier, not as powerful, more gas-hungry and most importantly, does not have a balanced crank. So I thought - if I really want to pursue the R1200 then I might have to get a Link UCU and dispense with the BMW unit. Has anyone done this? Would you think that this is doable? Or am I barking up the wrong tree? Regards, Duncan

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