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Posts posted by Cefiro

  1. i Think I did add some confusion by mistakingly saying I’m running a 12-1 trigger, I’m running the standard 12 tooth wheel with all equality spaced teeth, I have contemplated getting a 36-1 trigger wheel from the vvti 1uz but If there was a way to modify my standard 12 tooth wheel for the time being I would go for that option 

  2. Ok so I'm new to his kinda stuff bare that in mind before continueing on :) 

    The engine is an rb25det and the ecu is a G4+ plugin 

    ok so single step launch control is currently set up on my car with a switch but it's very soft it functions perfectly but I'm not satisfied with it, I want more aggressive pops and bangs, I hardly ever acualy use the launch control for its intended purposes I use it mainly for the sound, I know some people may not agree with that but every man to there own right! just wondering could someone be as kind as to help me out here  

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