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Cycilic idle without antilag

Jo LeForce

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Evo 4-8 plugin with E-throttle,

I got antilag all set and working fine with e-throttle kicked open. But know I need to have the throttle kicked open, naturally with cycilic idle on but without antilag. To do that I tried zeroing out both the retard & ignition cut tables. When I zero out the retard table, the car would still idle fine with e-throttle open + cyclic idle but when the throttle is depressed it goes into a rev hang! So now I'm unable to have a throttle kick/cyclic idle operating separate from antilag. Any advice? Tune file attached.


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Have you tried to set your antilag enable RPM to something really high like 8k? This should allow cyclic idle to be active but should prevent antilag from working until it sees that rpm, whish means it shouldnt switch to antilag maps and just work as normal. Give that a try and report back.

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