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Everything posted by mattj

  1. I started from scratch with a default settings file and now I'm not able to adjust the injector current in the Injection Setup. It's locked out. The injection channels (1-4) are locked out (4-cyl engine), so I think it's being managed elsewhere in the software. Can someone help me figure out how to turn the channels on and adjust peak and hold current? Thanks!
  2. I reinstalled the program to the default directory. All the issues (there were many other stability issues - always crashing) are solved! Link should really put a warning for people somewhere (in the software or in the instructions or both), indicating the potential risk installing the software to a different directory, when you are installing for the first time. Thanks again!!
  3. Ah, I didn't see which group this was in. Google found it for me. Thanks for the input though. I do have the same locked out experience, but I figured out why. Looks like that is the case when that feature is to be managed elsewhere.
  4. Thanks guys! Actually, good question...I don't have it installed in the default location. That's probably the problem. I bet I don't have permission to save the file in the directory where it was installed. I typically like to keep all my programs in the "Program Files" directory, so I put it there. Is there a way to change where the options2.xml file is saved? Or do I need to reinstall it to the default location?
  5. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing, but the settings don't save when I close PCLink and reopen it. I have to change the units to Imperial again and the directories change back to their Defaults. Not sure why this is happening.
  6. I'm having the same issue. I don't understand why I can't double click on the item when it's locked. My analog functions aren't locked, but my Trigger settings are? What is happening here?
  7. Hi all - I notice I have to change the units from metric to imperial every time I close and reload the program. I've looked in the "Preferences" and I see the option for units, but there isn't anything that allows you to actually "select" the units you want to operate in. How do you change this to stay in Imperial units, when it defaults to Metric each time? Also, I notice the options for changing the default directories won't keep either when I change them. It keeps opening up to the same directories to load and save files, even though I've changed them.
  8. Hi all - I can't seem to figure out how to create a new blank map file or simply "open" an empty file. The software came with a set of base map files, but my application isn't listed and I don't want to start from some other file that has settings buried in it from some other engine or sample file. I don't see an option to create from scratch? Can someone help?
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