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Everything posted by brandon.m.n

  1. So it looks like he set the injectors to 15 or so if I remember right. So do I set the lock ignition to that as well? Then I use the offset to make it read that on the timing marks, and then I need to adjust the ignition delay to what number to start?
  2. Switched out the crank gear, set it back to the 1jz vvti setting. It fired up. Runs like shit but it finally had life.
  3. Small update, found tooth after gap broken off. Replacing the crank gear right now and hopefully get to see some action
  4. here is a trigger scope from right now and the current tune TriggerScopeLog3.llgx 1.5jz.pclx
  5. I’ll have to double check today, but I believe it may have been set that way just trying to see some life. And I’ll also check in there to see if any teeth are broken off I tried to use the link help feature for that and I couldn’t figure it out.
  6. Yeah it cranks just fine. Just doesn’t fire off at all. I can test each coil and injector and they both work in the test function.
  7. I have a 1.5jz with link stormx ecu. I have attached the log, tune and trigger scope. I have had a tuner set it up for the most part to just get it started but everyone that has looked at it is stumped. Please send help TriggerScopeLogpanic.llgx panic tooo.llgx panic.llgx
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