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Everything posted by noz_mac

  1. The ECU is 10 years old and I am not the original purchaser. Warranties are non-transferable. If anyone does know which mosfet is connected to pin 110, I would greatly appreciate it. I did end up ordering another ECU in the meantime and it should be here on monday. A set of ten ST mosfets runs about 22 CAD so I am okay with ordering those as well.
  2. Just wondering if anyone on here knew which mosfet is for injector 5 pin 110. After some testing it is 100% a failed mosfet, unfortunately I cannot determine which one it is. I was going to replace all six but would like to keep heat down to a minimum on the board to ensure nothing else gets too hot. Thanks!
  3. Thank you Adam, I'll do that!
  4. Alright so I figured I'd post again in this thread now that I've had a chance to get back to my car (was traveling for work for nearly half a year). Got the LED test light out and ran a couple of Injector Tests between pins 110, 112, and 114. 112 and 114 appear to be working fine but 110 does not pulse but rather is a constant solid light. This is leading me to believe that the ECU injector drive is fried and that the ECU is no longer grounding out my injector causing the misfire and lean condition. So here's my question to everyone, how do I go about getting this ECU repaired. Is it best to contact a local Link dealer and try to have it fixed in Canada or should I try to see what customer service can do and then mail out my ECU and potentially not have it back for a month plus etc. I'm new to Link products and I've never had a dud aftermarket ECU before. Thanks for the advice and help in advanced!
  5. Looks like I'll have to contact tech support, and yes I've checked multiple times to ensure the connector is all the way down. Thanks guys and hopefully it gets sorted sooner rather than later.
  6. I'll try to upload the file here, Yes I did run a test and swapped the "dud" 5 into 4 to confirm and no pulsing. Even when running and at higher RPM the pulse refuses to come on. 12.5 on the connector from my last test two weeks ago but I can redo it tomorrow again. Trigger Scope Log 2022-09-3 8;40;28 pm.llg
  7. Hey folks, I've got an interesting situation that has stumped me for the past couple of weeks. My R32 GTR does not get any pulse to injector number 5. I've checked continuity, swapped out low impedance injectors for high impedance with a resistor ballast bypass kit, and I've check my CAS and ignitor chip as well. I ran a trigger scope and did get a weird result which I've included below. I think I might have a bad ecu (link G4+) but I cannot verify it and it's also highly unlikely. I have rewired the car to ensure that I haven't missed anything but still no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
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