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  1. Thanks for confirming, i did not realise there would be discrepancies between differant ecus! is it possible for you to share me the stock 2nz vvt pid config so I have a base line to edit from in that case? Thanks in advance
  2. Hello, recently bought a G4x storm for my 1nz-fe. i can see there is a VVT config for a 2nz-fe already, which should in theory be correct for the 1nz due to engine similarities. I’m not with the car since it is in the workshop having other work done currently so I can’t check myself unfortunately. When I change from default to “custom” using the map file I have saved on my computer the “custom” values are the same on all VVT solinoid so I assume I need to have it connected live to check? Is it possible someone can send me the PID values for the 2nz-fe cam solinoid? My friend has a maxxecu with a custom config for his 1nz and I would like to see if the PID details for 2nz match up or if I need to configure manually using his details! Thanks in advance! Sorry if this is not allowed. If not I will have to wait until I get the car back and check. These are the values I can see on “custom” without the ecu connected, as I previously mentioned it doesn’t change even if I change from a Toyota solinoid to Honda or suburu etc, I assume they aren’t all the same and this is just a default value when disconnected ?
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