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  1. Thank you @Adamw! I bought these smart coils and I am going to use them instead of the stock ones. Anything to change in the settings after installing them? and do I connect both pin 2 and pin 4 together with the power ground? Or pin 4 goes to the signal ground?
  2. 4 distributor-less Yamaha YZF-R6 coils if this answers your question?
  3. yeah It makes sense when it's too far, however looks like something bad happened to the ECU while testing this! since I pulled out coil #1 to confirm the spark while having ignition test enabled for channel #1, I heard the sparks for few seconds and then it just stopped working! Now ignition #1 doesn't work anymore I contacted the tech support and looks like it may need to be sent out to a regional office to be repaired. Currently I just disconnected ignition #1 and continuing to let it start with the other three coils, I know it's not great but it should still start. Also since I have 8 ignition channels can I temporarily use one of the those instead of channel #1 just until I get to start? and any idea what to check to figure out why trigger count keeps increasing by 2 after each crank? Haven't tried this yet but I will do and see if it's going to work. Thanks for pointing that out! It was something with my lambda sensors, once I disconnected them the other sensors stabilized again. the lambda's heater ground was connected to the sensors ground which could be an issue, however I just disconnected them for now and I'll come back to them later on. Thanks for clarifying!
  4. been trying to run it for the past two days with no luck! I set that trigger as suggested and did the base timing again. The trigger err count increases by 2 after each crank, any idea what could be wrong? Also, for base timing, There is something that makes me feel crazy, when I tried to shift the offset by 360 degree just in case it needed that, the timing light didn't flash, shouldn't it work on either angle? when i put the angle back to original, timing light works again, maybe there is something i don't understand about its functionality? I played around with fuel/ignition tables, sometimes got closer, sometimes just some intake/exhaust backfires or no reaction. @Vaughan Any thoughts? Attached the current state of the map along with a data log file. BTW, this was "fixed" by using traditional fuel equation instead of modeled, since i guessed most of the fuel/ignition table numbers. RTRT.pclx PC Datalog - 2023-05-8 1;45;48 pm.llgx
  5. Thank you for your reply, I will try that when i comeback to the shop. I've attached a photo of the crank sprocket just to confirm if it matches the above settings? and i need to re-do the timing after changing those trigger settings, correct?
  6. Hey everyone I am trying to start a Yamaha R6 engine for the first time, I've tested all inputs/outputs and they seem to work fine, and i set up the base timing with the timing gun, but the engine is not starting. My guess is it's not actually injecting fuel, I've been looking around for what could be wrong with my setup, and i saw some videos where ignition and injector auxiliary outputs stay on the active state while cranking, but in my case they just keep bouncing between active and inactive state, could this be the issue? here is a short screen record for some runtime values on cranking if it helps: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZJ1D_92okdhWBgOsaw8o_Rh90INfEOjS/view?usp=share_link Also attached a trigger scope 2-5---TriggerScopeLog.llgx file along with the RTRT.pclx map
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