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  1. PhilH

    Losing RPM Signal

    Thanks. Yes running a MSD unit. We ran all new shielded cables as we were getting some interference, e.g. system showing 14000rpm on start up and 65000 max rpm. I've not seen any weird rpm figures since the cable upgrades. We're running a huge cap that has an inch between posts to try and avoid any spark jump, but will check the rotor phasing tonight just to be sure. The dizzy is in good shape I believe, but will check for any play as well. we didn't have this signal loss issue with the old OMEX system (which was using the same inputs and MSD unit) which indicates to me it's setup or that the Link is more sensitive to interference.
  2. PhilH

    Losing RPM Signal

    Links to 2 logs files that show lots of restarts https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al0yFrp3AwTVj3XCF-7nE7-nFXyU?e=HVmwCZ https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al0yFrp3AwTVj20mYJo97NGbQ5DG?e=IZhefO Or the full race day log.. 350mb https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al0yFrp3AwTVj3dwpGAPyjhLXFgC?e=evH6rb
  3. PhilH

    Losing RPM Signal

    Thank Kris. I'll upload another log or perhaps a link to it, as the forum file limit was 10mb and the log downloads exceeded this, so only the one was uploaded. Yes I've noticed the low oil pressure engine cut-off, the dry sump pump isn't great at low speed when the oil is hot, so have gone up a oil grade and will monitor at the next race meeting. I've been trying to get the pickup closer to the timing wheel thinking that would be a better, so will adjust it out a fraction as you mention. Just trying to fully understand your comments on the arming threshold, "Your 1000rpm nominal peak voltage is around 10v so I would raise your 1000RPM arming threshold to about 5v, 2000 rpm to 6v, and 3000rpm to 7v. Do a trigger scope while cranking with the injectors disabled and then set the 500rpm point to about half of the peak voltage you record at cranking rpm." and where in the software this parameter lives to make the changes for what you have suggested. Regards Phil.
  4. PhilH

    Losing RPM Signal

    Trigger Scopes attached, plus race logs and the ECU map. Really appreciate the help. (Hopefully I did the trigger scopes correctly) Regards Phil TriggerScope 1000rpm.llgx TriggerScope 2000rpm.llgx TriggerScope 3000rpm.llgx TriggerScope 4000rpm.llgx TriggerScope 4005rpm.llgx TriggerScope 5000rpm.llgx TriggerScope 6000rpm.llgx TriggerScope 7000rpm.llgx MM ECU Log 2023-10-23 3;39;46 pm.zip AlfaMontreal.pclx Keen to learn the about the Link ECU and software, so happy to have the long explanation and the what and why behind any recommended changes to hopefully solve this rpm cut-out issue. Cheers Phil
  5. PhilH

    Losing RPM Signal

    Thanks. I'm new to Link, so taking a while to find my way around the interface. Doesn't look like I can trim down an already download log (which is 350mb) so will reconnect and download just a time section and the engine tune. I've just read the how to guide on how to record a trigger scope log, so will run a trigger scope and upload it as well. Regards Phil.
  6. PhilH

    Losing RPM Signal

    Hi all I've got an issue with the ECU losing signal which is noticeable in the car. Doesn't appear to be doing it on the dyno, just on the track. I've re-wired the crank sensor plug, (only have the single sensor) but just want to know if there is anything else I can check before the next race meeting? As such all the race logs are showing high numbers of restarts, log 136 had 833 starts during a race? I'm new to the Link software, which was a replacement ECU for a older OMEX system we has been running on the car for 20yrs Regards Phil.
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