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team claymore

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  1. On the g4x home page the 3rd topic from the top down , Adam does a video tutorial on how to send a file using google one drive. Then you'll be able to send it
  2. I'll check my lift pump isn't playing up thanks adam
  3. Also while I think of it , Evans seems to be the go to in terms of g4x training unless you would suggest otherwise?
  4. Thanks Adam, Tune File https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CLlU-J2-VHs6Eb4gF88ZKkgpiG83OGZl/view?usp=sharing Log file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tUU3FMy1GGWQsYvmE3ItyKB3mMPlR_5Y/view?usp=sharing
  5. First event since new build on the weekend, was wondering if anyone can have a look at my log, i realize now i did not set up enough parameters to record but i have some basics. After a few laps, it felt like an ignition break down and then i also experienced zero to minimum throttle response when trying to rev engine. Looking at log around 11.20 trying to understand why all of a sudden i am getting high readings on my main & subs but not much engine rpm. I will be replacing the coils as they are stock and am waiting for them to arrive. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tUU3FMy1GGWQsYvmE3ItyKB3mMPlR_5Y/view?usp=drive_link
  6. Thanks Adam, I'm certain I had changed it to 1.0 like you suggested. If I have then should I increase it and to what value, Is there a way to work out where it needs to be? I will amend the base idle table
  7. Every thing is much better now, all i need to correct is the revs holding on, what can i do to fix this issue? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DChZwcxAx7JEA9hLiHYNe2dYR9giX5Q-/view?usp=sharing
  8. Now that I have changed rpm to above 10psi, why is it that it would cause a fuel cut? Is it because the ecu reads in psia not psig? Or vice versa. If you want the engine limited to lets say 25psi boost pressure do I need to account for this and ad 14psi on top or can I leave it at 25psi?
  9. OK adam its running now but i have this fp speed aux 2 alternating between inactive & active? pc log with fp speed light coming on and off.llgx also my idle is all over the place and then gets stuck at 2200rpm PC Datalog - rpm hunting & getting stuck high idle.llgx
  10. Ok thank you, could you show me where/how to change that map limit and what value to. The oil pressure was to try setup so I have some kind of protection in place. Is there a better way of doing this?
  11. her are some logs trigger scope pressing capture after crank.llgx Pc log no start trigg 1 err.llgx I have just changed offset back to 90 also
  12. I am holding captue after I hit crank and not letting go until I stop. Is this the correct way? I will do a a pc log also
  13. does this work? Trigger Scope - no start.llgx I keep getting trigg 1 errors, i have adjusted the yelshi trigger spacing to get it about .8mm gap but this is the best i have been able to get the scope to look. Here is resistance of sensor. I have also tried running a new wire to pin 51 for trigg 1. Trigger Scope - no start with trigg err longer crank.llgx .pclx
  14. Update... i have checked against my old trigger scope and they look nothing alike. i haven't changed any trigger settings, i have check continuity to ecu for trigger 1 & ground. I am getting a trigg1 err counter so maybe a faulty sensor? Again seems really odd that only 3 days ago it fired up fine. Time is not on my side as i have to get this thing running in a few days to get wheel alignment sorted etc. If i need a new trigger and anyone has 1 in stock im in melbourne
  15. can someone please look at this trigger scope and tell me what it should be looking like as this looks wrong. its a 24 minus 1 and on a 30 det (25 head) I came out to start the cart 1 week b4 an event and wont start, getting some small pops and i did have 1 random backfire through exhaust. literally 3 days ago car was running fine. its a brand new trigger and all i have done since is play around play with engine protection settings. Trigger Scope - 2024-07-6 9;03;40 am.llgx .pclx
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