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  1. excellent, thanks very much. I will try these settings and report back.
  2. Hi Here is screen shots of the logs, the log files, my base setup so far, and also some pdf's of the vvti and cam crank trigger specs. I really appreciate your help with this. Thanks James Trig 1 Trig 2 DI2 test1.llgx Trig 1 Trig 2 DI2 test2.llgx crank and cam signals.pdf vvti spec.pdf 2AR-FE tr1 tr2 di2 good.pclx
  3. thanks for the tip, Ill throw a couple of 2.2kohm resistors at the cam sensors then, cheers
  4. Sorry I did mean Aux outputs. Ok Ill wire it up over the next week, scope the sensors and post up the pics. Here are some pics of the sensors on the motor anyway. I appreciate you help, thanks James
  5. from what i understand with dual vvti, DI1 and AN1 run 1 cam and DI2 and AN2 run the other cam. The sensors take the readings after the cam adjustment, thanks
  6. I'm just about to start wiring and tuning a Toyota 2ar with dual vvti running 2x 3 wire cam position sensors, and a variable intake valve. I'm planning on wiring the crank sensor to trigger 1 and the 2 cam sensors to DI1 and DI2, VVTi solenoids to Aux 1 and Aux 2, and the intake solenoid to Aux 3. All Aux switched low and 12v supplied off the Main EFI relay. There is not much info on these engines and no pre configured settings (or similar) that I've found. Has anyone got any specs, settings, help or advice for me? Crank and cam trigger and VVti settings? Also any dual VVti tuning tips? I've setup and tuned single cam VVti before but the cam settings were available and there only a inlet cam. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
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