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  1. Definitely have a dud Seeed CAN USB adapter. I bought a MeatPi WiCAN USB instead and it's working great over wifi, links into RealDash and could instantly see data on the CAN monitor, which I was never able to get from the Seeed analyser. Still need to play around with the XML to get the data to display correctly in the dash (using the sample XML file from this thread gives me water temp, revs, gear, AFR, battery volts - but no vehicle speed or boost values coming through), I haven't been able to get it to work over BLE or USB yet but it's a step in the right direction.
  2. Yes I tried different COM port baudrates on the SeedStudio adapter and RealDash. I'm beginning to wonder whether I might have a faulty adapter as it frequently gets "stuck", and ceases responding to Windows USBCAN 8.00 for a silent & loopback test frame, or fails to save a change of COM port baud rate, and I have to reset it to get it back. On the Link G4X I have 2 CAN buses and had set both baud rates to 500kbps. I have only the AEM Wideband on CAN 1 and the SeeedStudio adapter on CAN 2. I have also tried changing the CAN 2 baud rate to other values with no luck.
  3. Thanks for your advice. I too couldn't find any more details about what the CAN inputs on the headunit do, so I figured it was easier to follow the well-trodden path and go with a CAN-USB device. I bought the Seeed Analyser but cannot get it to work. Initially with neither the Android headunit or a PC, but after performing a reset procedure on it I can now get it to send and receive a single frame in the windows software (before resetting it would only send but not receive). I followed the video guide shared earlier in this thread regarding the setup of the ECUs CAN Module in PCLink G5. I have RealDash set to the correct baud but it simply says Not Connected when I view the CAN monitor in RealDash. At this stage I think I may just have to buy the MeatPi WiCAN USB as well now, as I suspect this may be a compatibility issue between the Seeed Analyser and my headunit. Unless you have any other suggestions to try?
  4. I have a G4X (WRXLink7-9) and have installed an Eonon UA12S android heatunit which amongst it's connectivity has 2x cables labelled Rx and Tx. I can't find much about what this is precisely but presume Receiving data and Transmitting data, and the Youtube review of the headunit which lead to me buying it implied these were for connecting to the vehicle's steering wheel controls and air con etc. My G4X has the 1st CAN channel in use for the AEM Wideband so I've added a 2nd CAN cable with CAN high, low and ground wires. I presume I'll need to purchase a Seeed Analyser and go via the headunit's USB, however before I do this I wanted to check whether there's an even simpler way using the Rx and Tx cables? Thanks
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