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Kyle McAwesome

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Everything posted by Kyle McAwesome

  1. dobson i was told on one of the other forums i am a member of that if i have the valve plugged in but out side of the throttle body, it would "kill it." i believe this is was you are talking about. I have assured that there is power making it to through the wire using a Light up test bulb. ALSO i can see differences with the idle when we mess with the setting from stepper to solenoid. or change the cold and hot. So this also tells me that the ecu is sending a signal to it and it is getting it. I will open my ecu tomorrow and see if i have the sub board.
  2. wow if you have a 6 wire stepper sub board that you have to remove anyways get a hold of me. i am having troubles with mine because i have a 6wire and i dont think i have the 6wire board. thanks mark
  3. didnt even work try another one http://www.autopartswarehouse.com/details/QQSubaruQQImprezaQQStandardQQIdle_Control_ValveQQ19982002QQSIAC519.html
  4. Jergen, heres a link to a picture of the same valve i have. The connector that plugs into the valve has six wires. is this what you mean. it does say "Six Terminals." http://www.autopartswarehouse.com/popup/?type=moreℑ=L2ltYWdlcy9wcm9kdWN0X2ltYWdlcy9pbWFnZXMvc3RhbmRhcmQvc2lhYzUxOS5qcGc=&title;=U3RhbmRhcmQgSWRsZSBDb250cm9sIFZhbHZl&text;=SURMRSBBSVIgQ09OVFJPTCBWQUxWRSAtLSBTaXggdGVybWluYWxzOyBBIHByZW1pdW0gb3JpZ2luYWwgZXF1aXBtZW50IHJlcGxhY2VtZW50IHBhcnQgdGhhdCBpcyByZXNwb25zaWJsZSBmb3IgdGhlIHJlZ3VsYXRpb24gb2YgaWRsZSBzcGVlZDsgRW5zdXJlcyB0aGF0IHRoZSByaWdodCBhbW91bnQgb2YgYWlyIGZsb3dzIGFyb3VuZCB0aGUgdGhyb3R0bGUgdG8gYWNoaWV2ZSBvcHRpbXVtIGZ1ZWwgZWZmaWNpZW5jeSBhbmQgZW5naW5lIHBlcmZvcm1hbmNlLg== sorry if the link is really this long when i post it. i donno how to post things on this forum.
  5. Jurgen, thanks for the info i will check today and see what i can see. dobsons dyno, I live in Souther Utah. St. George Ut, USA. I have been worried to try anything with the IAC/ISC because i just bought it and it was $370 usd. I have the old one, we played with it for a little and adjusted it so when it idle lower, but when the A/C would get turned on it wouldn't compensate for it and would almost die. so like i said i just spent $370 on it and dont trust my self to pull or push on IAC/ISC. I was wondering if there was something else that was set a little funny, such as the air to fuel ratio? My A/F gauge shows it on Rich. always on Rich. but that could be unrelated, just wondering if there is anything else that looks or could be a little outta wack. Thanks, Mark
  6. Jurgen, I guess i should also add. The reason that the old map and the new map have different IAC setting is because when it is set to solenoid it runs at a lower RPM, but if stepper is selected its runs very high. So i mentioned. I beleive i have a 6 wire stepper. The plug that goes into the actual IAC valve has 6 wires. But i do not know if that makes it a stepper. and also i do not know if i have a sub board installed or not. How would i find out? is it in my ECU box? Thanks, Mark
  7. Forgot my acct name so i had my friend make one real quick We're pretty sure its a 6wire stepper, however im not sure how to tell if i have a "sub-board" installed.
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