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Alan Mullins

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Posts posted by Alan Mullins

  1. I am trying to get my GTIR to idle, when i do get it close it hunts very bad. The only way it will idle roughly is by lowering the master fuel to 65. Just noticed today that the idle rises when you put your foot on the brake, does this mean i have the map sensor hose in the wrong place? It is hooked into the throttle bodies, Each butterfly has a fitting so i have all four in series and then into the LEM. Is this wrong any help would be great. Alan.

  2. The LEM is set at 10 degrees base timming, Can i set the LEM to 20 degrees base timming or do i set it at 10 degrees and put 10 degrees in the Edit Zone 0-10. If i can set it at 20 degrees should the Edit zone be set at 10 or 0? Sorry about all the questions, trying to figure out why the timming wont stay at 20 degrees. When i set the timming it seems ok but when i go and put a 40 degree limit in, The idle raises up and when i check with timming light it is way more advanced. Thanks, Alan.

  3. I have tried to set the static timming, The GTIR has a timming mode, You disconnect the TPS rev the car 2 or 3 times above 3000rpm it then goes into timming mode and you set timming. When i do this the timming is way out. With the LEM do i just adjust with the TPS still connected or do it the nissan way? Thanks, Alan.

  4. I have a G1 V4 I am having problems setting the TPS scan. In the Utilities menu you cant adjust it.It has locked in at 255. Can you give me a step by step guide on how to set it, Can i just run a map or do i have to have map+tps? I also have the 02 sensor unhooked at the moment is that an issue, Its a gtir pulsar. Also setting the static timming, is that just a matter of entering a number. 20 degrees or do i have to do something else? sorry about all the Questions, Thanks, Alan.

  5. I have a G1 link in my GTIR. It winds over but it wont start. I think it is my Triggers, it says cyl=n and sync=n and cyl/sync err-0 Can you help Please? Is it just a set up problem or more serious? Thanks, Alan.

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