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Conny Karlsson

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Posts posted by Conny Karlsson

  1. Hi Conny, 

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will pass it onto the engineers. I expect more advanced logic control would require a fair bit of time and work. However adding more Virtual Aux channels may not be so bad. It may also be possible to add more parameters as conditions, are there any in particular that you are finding you need?

    As it is nom you have 3 conditions ex.  cond1 and cond2 and cond3  , cond1 or cond2 or cond 3,  etc

    what i would like is maybe 5 or 6 conditions  ex : cond 1 or cond2 and cond3 and cond4 andd cond5 or cond6

    ( i work with programming PLC thats why im so used to it)

    also maybe a set and reset function  like   cond1  sets the output on  & cond2 resets the output to 0 ...

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