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Alex Deyth

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Posts posted by Alex Deyth

  1. Hello, i'm currently rewiring my Impreza, i have a WRX7-9 E-throttle Plugin ECU.
    I have some problems with the pinout in the PClink software, i dont find the power pin for the ecu.
    Link Help says +14V on E-4 and GND on E-5
    The workshop manual says E-4/E-5 is related to TGV.

    For ecu power pin is from D-2/D-3 for main +12V, D-10 for backup power and a wake up signal from A-14.
    I think manual is right and Link help have some errors and omissions.

    I need a correct version of the ecu pinout with everything (like the wiring pinout version in help)



    PS: sorry for bad english
    PS2 : I do not buy the wirein version because at the time of the purchase I did not think to redo the wiring

  2. Hello, i want to remplace my stock tacho with 2 AEM-CD5.
    I need multiple input to detect activation of turn indicators, headlight, etc. then send the status of the switch by canbus to the CD5.
    Can I use the Digital input for this purpose ?
    the signal will be 12V if on, 0V if off.


    Never used voltage for switch purpose.


  3. The info in help files is located in :
    G4+ ECU Tuning Functions / Electronic Throttle Control.
    After that is a little mess.
    I have found the "solution" for me in the Help Browser window in the configuration table of PCLink.

    Selecting a auxilliary output, PClink throw a list of possible output.

    For me the ver7-9 unit is capable of controlling EThrottle, because in help file, there is a 2 differents versions 7-9 units :

    WRXLink (7-9)
    WRXLink (7-9) With EThrottle

    The pinouts for expansions connector are not the same and my unit pinout matches the EThrottle version.
    So I guess my version is capable of Ethrottle control

  4. Hello, it is possible to upgrade from Drive by cable thottle to drive by wire throttle on a Link G4+ Plugin WRXLink (7-9) Ecu ?

    It seems i cannot assign aux 9- to E-throttle (+) or (-)

    Aux 10 is not listed at all

    Need to use aux 1-4 for EThrottle Signal 1 and aux 5-9 for Ethrottle Signal 2 ??



    Sorry for bad english



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