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i would like to purchase a link system for my neon. the motor was built by a reputable shop in my area. they swear by link systems. my engine has been completely modified; pistons, rods, cams, injectors, intake, etc. my question is what is a sufficient system for my car and how difficult is the installation? what do i need to do as far as a harness? can i do that myself? the tuning i will leave to the shop that built the motor. money is tight, i would like to do as much as possible myself. any input would be appreciated. thanks


Assuming you are running the 2.0L 4 cyl engine then you can use either the G4 Storm or G4 Extreme ECU.  The G4 Storm will allow sequential ignition and fuel control while the G4 Extreme will add peak and hold injection control, knock control and a lerger number of inputs and outputs to that.

Both ECUs are wire-in and come with a wiring loom that can be wired in to the factory wiring.  Installation requires a certian amount of automotive electrical knowledge and some specialty tools.  I would be discussing with your tuner the details of installation to decide if it is something you are willing to take on.

Like you said, the engine builder or a reputable tuner should do the final tuning work to ensure you get the best result from your ECU.

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