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GP Boost Tables for high low boost

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Hello everyone,

I'm sure it just something small I am missing but I am trying to setup a High\Low boost switch using the GP Boost table (if possible).  I am wiring a DI to a 2 pole switch and when I flick the switch it will pull WG%.


WRX104 tried DI7 and DI10


But for some reason when I try toggling the switch nothing happens in the runtime values.  I tried changing the active state\input latch.  I tried 2 different toggle switches and different ground areas.   Is there another way to set this up that I am missing?



Post up a tune!

Any reason you wouldn't change "Active Tables" to "2 Tables" and assign your switch DI to "Table2 Activation"? Table 1 is your low boost wastegate table, Table 2 is your high boost wastegate table. If you're using Closed Loop Boost, it also switches between two Boost Target tables.


Tune attached.

I am running flex fuel and want that the most.  So once I saw that GP boost table and the fact I can just lower the wastegate, I "thought" that might work. Kinda wish I could have both flex fuel and high and low boost but guessing that was not viable during design. 

I am more thinking its my setup vs the tune. I am just looking for a possible way to lower boost for most of my driving and then have a way to switch it when I need it.  I can also use CAN DI as I have a tablet setup, but wanted the physical switch in case that thing broke or something.



Correct I see nothing happen when I toggle the switch.  I have tried several grounds across the car, maybe it needs a direct ground?  Or Maybe a special type of toggle switch and not some of Amazon specials.  

Is it safe to just ground that wire from the ECU for testing?  I'm also going to connect that wire from the ECU and test using the DI it was connected  to toggle it, Cruise Set.


EDIT:  I just tried with setting DI7 to my Cruise Set\Cancel and it worked perfectly.  So it mus be a special type of toggle switch or something that I need.  Going to try and get a better ground. 


Well, I feel like a dummy.  It was the ground,  just did not realize how specific the source had to be, have not run into any issues so far.

Thanks for the support Laminar

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