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Downshift "throttle blip" feature


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Hi guys,


It would be nice to have a table similar to the gear cut feature for a throttle blip on downshifts. Or simply allowing a GP output to have the swOff Timer value linked to a table. It could be a 2D table with RPM and Gear as axis to determine "blip" time. (With some device wired in an Output that allows throttle to open when switched on).

It could also have a maximum RPM limit determine per gear to avoid overreving on downshift (when at this rpm, downshift is impossible without overring)


Application I'm thinking of would imply a power actuated sequential shifter and simpliest logic I could think of would go as follow :

-Downshift request input <- easily done as is

-Make sure downshift is safe thru rpm limit <- could be done using an output for everygear with right conditions, would be better if you could save those outputs tho

-Activate output X (goes from gear to neutral in transmission) <- easily done as is

-Activate throttle opening for "Y" second, based on map <- I still didn't figure out a way to make that happen, other than having the same opening time for every possibility.. or using different output again for every possibility...

-Activate ouput Z (goes from neutral to next lower gear in transmission), could be after the blip, somewhere in the middle of it or at the same time, whatever would work the best <- easily done for after or at the same time, somewhere in the middle of it could be a problem as of right now, didn't look into it that much.


Also on the gear cut mode, having the choice to end the cut mode with an input turning on would be great. Like in the not timed mode, but instead of it being linked to the actual "request input" it could be linked on an other input that ends the mode as soon as seen on. <- Don't think it could be done as of right now, maybe it could be tweaked out outside the PLC so it fakes the right conditions in the current "non-timed" mode  to make it happen.

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"-Activate throttle opening for "Y" second, based on map <- I still didn't figure out a way to make that happen, other than having the same opening time for every possibility.. or using different output again for every possibility..."


Ok I did figured that one out with what's available : GP PWM output, 10Hz frequency (only because it's the minimum...) with a map with Gear and RPM, dutycycle % = number of .001 seconds (to make everything work nice it would mean it has to be within 0.1 second or it gets complicated...).


What would be even better is to be able to activate output until the calculated rpm (from ratio and gear change) is meet with a possibility to add an offset (ex : +50rpm) to account for delays in the system... but this one might start to get a little tricky!


"Also on the gear cut mode, having the choice to end the cut mode with an input turning on would be great. Like in the not timed mode, but instead of it being linked to the actual "request input" it could be linked on an other input that ends the mode as soon as seen on. <- Don't think it could be done as of right now, maybe it could be tweaked out outside the PLC so it fakes the right conditions in the current "non-timed" mode  to make it happen."


This one would be easy to tweak outside the PLC (if I understand well how the not-timed work), with an upshift request, keep the input powered and reset it with the signal you need. It would still be great to be done internaly since it's very basic programming.


Then the rest of the shifting logic and general safeties (cancel shift request if cylinders aren't at proper position) could be wired outside the PLC to make everything worth without consumming I/O for nothing, even tho it would again be great to be able to code it directly inside since it's a basic ladder logic.

I think I can order my Link now since I can make everything I need work! Hopefully it can only get easier for anyone else who wants to do this!

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