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Analog Errors.


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If you have loaded the file I sent you and you have errors like that, you either have multiple sensor issues or a wiring problem, earthing etc.

Can you post a screen shot of the ECU status.

May I also recommend you connect your laptop to the ECU turn the ignition on and one by one disconnect all of your sensors, check the laptop screen under runtime values ANALOGUE INPUTS, keep unplugging and check to see if the errors go away after disconnecting a certain sensor or plug.

I have an issue with my laptop files at present and cant open your other two files you posted.



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Hi Jono,

 give me some time and I will go through and recheck your file setup, please confirm definitely what I am dealing with here, due to multiple post I am confused as to what the engine/car is actually.

Looking at the current FUEL and Ignition tables look shocking so I assume these are not the tuned values.



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Ok (:  I'll only post on this thread. No none of any are tuned. This is what I have done so far. I updated the firmware and loaded the evo 4-8 base file straight out of the folder and it gave me 3 errors. 1) the map sensor 2) the IAT sensor and last 3) an Volt 4 low value error. And plus the fan stays on But I believe that I was told to try and set the polarity to HIGH instead of LOW.  So I will try this tomorrow after work. Sorry for the confusion. 

Thanks dave. 


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