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HLVC G4+ - RPM tacho not wokring


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hi all,

Supernewbie here with another question!! Car is tuned and runs great. So happy with the no fuss easy install with the G4+ :)

Car is a VL Rb30 which is now running 6 x ls1 coils. I'm still using the factory crank sensor for trigger but now the factory RPM tacho is not working. Is there a way i can get this to work? The factory RPM tacho was receiving a signal from the original 1 coil setup, now running 6 coils if i do the same I'm assuming the RPM tacho would read much 1/6 of what it should...

I should also mention that with 6 coil setup, boost solenoid and FPS I've used up the outputs (i think). I would like to keep it all but willing to sacrifice as no tacho is annoying. Unless there is an aftermarket unit i can adapt to get the factory tacho working?

thanks in Advance!




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You have what is often referred to as a “high level” tacho, it is designed to work off the 40-200v kick that comes out of the primary side of the coil everytime there is a spark.  It won’t work directly from the 5v signal available from a smart coil or the 12v signal that is available from an ecu aux output.  

There are two options:

1. Easiest is a tacho booster, I’m guessing you’re In Aussie so Race parts sells a reasonably cheap one.  You just connect the booster between an ecu aux out and the original tacho wire.

2. The other option is to modify the tacho to allow it to work directly from the lower voltage signal.  This is often a fairly simple mod such as replacing a resistor so is fine if you are capable of doing yourself but is not cost effective if you need to pay someone to do it.

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