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Cannot find Can Lambda


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Need some help trying to diagnose why I can not find my Can Lambda device.

ECU is a NGTR+.

Can Bus made from 10’ of M27500 shielded twisted pair cable w/ 120R 1/4 Watt resistor soldered at the end.  Terminations protected w/ RW-200 and ATUM.  Branch for lambda is 6” long, WHT to WHT and WHT/BLU to GRN. Bus leads soldered to Link Can cable, wires terminated to same color combo.

Power to module is through a relay as described in the instructions. Ive checked voltage at the module and at O2 plug and am seeing near 12V.  When I follow instructions for setting up the module and discovering the device the ECU says it cannot find any CAN devices.


Help and insight appreciated.



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You have CAN 1 turned off in the CAN set up screen.  It needs to be set to user defined, 1Mb bit rate and set one of the channels to Link CAN lambda, And although not actually necessary to specify the ID, I always like to enter 950 as the ID so it is reserved.

So, it should look something like this:


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I have tried exactly that.  I most likely performed a store for another change after I had canceled out of the screen.  Would the car running vs just having the ignition in the ON position matter? When I was testing it was pre-start.  During the initial heat cycle I wasn’t paying as much attention to trying to reconnect w/ the lambda as other things to keep eyes on.  I have tried the steps you described and as per the instructions and have had no luck w/ the harness in both the CAN 1 or CAN 2 location.  I ringed out all connections on the harness and was < 1 ohm.

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Just ignition on should be fine for it to be detected using "find devices".  If it doesnt receive a CAN message within about 15 seconds the heater will turn on by itself, so a quick test to confirm its got power is to leave the ign switched on for about 5mins when its cold and feel if the sensor is getting warm.

Can you attach a pic of the connection to the ECU and anything else that maybe relevant.

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Well I'm not quite sure why, perhaps a battery power issue, but the CAN module is working perfect now.  Guessing that after the first start and heat cycle I did on the new engine that the battery was able to get more of a charge??? IDK, that is the only difference from prior attempts to connect the device.  Appreciate your help!


CAN Screen Shot 1.jpg

CAN Screen Shot 2.jpg.png

CAN Screen Shot 3.jpg

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