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Everything posted by hugemikeyd

  1. I finally am at my car and the suggestions seem to be working but i am seeing a fault from Aux 6 and the manual says "the hardware is not happy". What does that mean and how can I increase it's happiness?
  2. Ah I see what you mean, thanks for explaining. The engine is a rotary, which would require the Staged Injection to meet the fuel demand without having the primaries work too hard. The question I have for myself is if I have enough injector for the secondaries, I went 1000cc for all 4 injectors. Thanks again
  3. Reading over the documentation it would seem that the Secondary Extra mode is being removed and the Sec/Pri Ratio mode transitions from the Primary to Secondary only. Does that mean that if the Primary and Secondary injectors are the same size, having 0 in the Secondary Injection Table is the same as putting in any value in there? Meaning that, since the injectors are the same size, we can't achieve more fuel?
  4. We landed roughly in the same place, in the RX7 the coolant gauge should be under half when it's at the proper temp of 180F, which is why i have that around 40%
  5. @HaveYouSeenAWizardSleepcurious if maybe you had figured this out and are willing to share more details?
  6. I am trying to understand how I can go about having the ECT that comes into my Link Monsoon G4X be used to power a stock coolant gauge. I believe that I need to have an Aux be used as a PWM, I am just not sure how to go about setting it up and searching this forum didn't reveal anything obvious to try. Hoping we can figure something that can help the next person
  7. Circling back on this, it turns out that the CAN interface chip i bought was faulty, I purchased a new one from Digikey rather than eBay and it's working, now to figure out how to properly read and translate the data for my display...
  8. Thanks, must be an issue on the other end then
  9. Maybe i did something wrong with the setup, here is what I have on the ECU side which I have confirmed is stored, do I need to do anything else on the ECU side?
  10. I have been experimenting with my MonsoonX on my desk with a 12V power supply and I am trying to read the CAN data but the ECU doesn't seem to be emitting any data. Once the ECU has been given power, what else needs to happen in order for it to start broadcasting data? I was hoping to be able to read the MAP as well as the voltage it was seeing while the ECU was on my desk. I am using a Teensy 4.0 along with a SN65HVD230 CAN transceiver. I have confirmed the proper 60ohms on the CAN bus and when i measure the voltage on the CAN bus when the ECU is on, it is stable at 2.44V. Any advice is appreciated
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