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Everything posted by merctec

  1. merctec


    Called the Brisbane Tech line today emailed them some stuff from today would have to arrange access to the pico scope for the standalone symptoms today are cranks starts runs cuts out running time changes 2min 10min or more today would run cut out re start run cut out if you try to raise engine speed sometimes cuts straight out others will rev up just before it cuts out trigger 1 on runtime goes to no, trigger 2 still ok
  2. merctec


    After reviewing all the parts associated with the trigger system having changed source, and the wiring for the power supply and earth and the shielded sensor cables replaced both triggers including the trigger wheel as was slightly outside the sensor spec Iam back where i was when i first raised the topic on the forum in PC Link and Firmware 620 That there is an issue with the Monsoon G4X
  3. merctec


    This I understand but what generates the voltage on the signal wire A hall sensor must rise above 1.5V and fall below 1.0V to be considered a valid edge. 1.5/2.0/2.5 are all valid then and what reads the voltage and acts on that signal I have replaced the wires and the sensor with no change in the fault changed the supply voltage source and ground location when it fails it sometimes has a voltage off 4.19v to 14.3 mv on trigger 1 and a trigger 1 and 2 signal on the runtime values and still won't give an injector or spark pulse it just so happens when I Pico scoped it had low voltage on the signal wire and why did the trigger 1 offset change after the firmware update from 348 to -12 which has now gone to -14
  4. merctec


    Iam fresh out of ideas have tried everything I can think off to find this fault Assuming i have a trigger1 and 2 signal stable power and earth to the ecu what else would stop the ecu giving the spark and injector pulse have disconnected all non-essential stuff eg tacho, fan control
  5. merctec


    Voltage drop when cranking 0.391V Cleaned up engine and battery ground now 0.157V did the crank by hand again after 4.18V drops too 14.3mv
  6. merctec


    will check that tomorrow when i crank by hand when the engine cuts out and wont re start the high voltage is in the 2.5v area and less than a volt on low side
  7. merctec


    Just checked 4.19V high low 25.7mv
  8. merctec


    The earth from the sensor ground wires too the engine is 0.5 ohms resistance too body 0.6 and ecu plug too engine on the 2 black wires is 0.5 ohms and to the body is 0.6 but in the pursuit of an answer i did disconnect them at the sensor ends and ran them straight to the engine just to rule out a wiring issue with no change in symptoms and i have also swapped the ZF cherry sensor with another one with no change
  9. merctec


    Sorry try it now
  10. merctec


    https://drive.goohttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1YMDOhsWQtmkyh-ZvOxnzNdJ9xOZlofNm/view?usp=drive_webgle.com/filehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1B3izsbR5f90OYgrBnVq0gbEJZZFLmsDR/view?usp=drive_web/dhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1i75cBsJrdiLYqxGziSNC5mVXl40b-XTR/view?usp=drive_web https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i75cBsJrdiLYqxGziSNC5mVXl40b-XTR/view?usp=drive_web
  11. merctec


    Measured it with a Pico scope do you have a drop box it is also throwing 1047 and disconnecting a lot from the pc link
  12. merctec


    Had it falling but was playing with the settings to see if it changed anything as i did by fitting a external 2.4k resister to try to narrow down the issue the thing is trigger 1 has a signal right up to the wire at the control unit plug it's just not picking it up
  13. merctec


    Attached trigger scope when not starting and tune as it is now log too big to attach scope26 non start.llgx cutting out tune.pclx
  14. merctec


    Hi Sorry still trying to get used to this posting gig It is in relation to my ongoing efforts to get to the bottom of my non start and cutting out issue which i posted in the pc link and firmware 6.20 topic which was intermittent eg event only on 2 occasions which since i updated the firmware is now a permanent issue i have already sent scope pics and logs can send more if needed
  15. merctec


    Hi Just to try I put a 2.4k external resister on my trigger 1 cherry sensor and set the pull up in the ecu to off engine wont start trigger scope no trigger 1 signal runtime no trigger 1 on oscilloscope sensor has a signal even if i crank by hand and check voltage it is switching up and down on ecu runtime values no trigger 1 and no errors either remove resister and reset ecu to pull up on engine now starts and it ran for about 12min cut out re started and ran for another 10 min or so cut out when it cuts out or misfires when running it logs an error in runtime trigger values after it cut out 2nd time when cranking ecu no trigger 1 on runtime or on trigger scope but ok on oscilloscope and cranking by hand.
  16. Ok Thanks just thought it was weird that they had battery voltage when im not using them as they are just tapped up in the loom
  17. Hi What is the default of an unused switched off aux out 0v or battery voltage
  18. Have now moved to tooth 15 as Adam said with no change in fault
  19. no it runs on -12 and backfires on cranking on 348 When i say runs it ran for a bit and then ran for shorter and shorter times now just fires and wont run
  20. Hi Adam Gave that a try got it started on -12 348 back fires when idling it dies when throttle opened after a bit it would rev up keeps running rough then stalls re starts but mostly cranks fires and cuts out or just cranks if i do a trigger scope have 2 patterns, but one will say no signal or no signal on both but have pattern, when idling put timing light on marks line up but light cuts out and in as it misfires feels a lot like it did when cutting out at rallies kinda think that intermittent issue is now more prominent dont have an oscilloscope to run on it to see if triggers are dropping out, when it stalled with timing light on light went off then engine cut out sending on the statistics it rpm reads 13123rpm which i have saw before when it played up think it was 17000 the stats give weird totals sometimes log files to the link email address
  21. Ok thank you will give that a try
  22. Hi Checked trigger scope has pattern for both trigger 1 said no signal at the top lh corner checked power earth and signal for voltage and continuity all ok checked there was no dropping of earth or power while cranking is ok checked air gap is ok had another cherry sensor put that on as before has pattern but no signal gave ecu a tap re checked trigger signal and engine started ran for a minute or so and cut out had both signals cranked again just backfired checked trigger signal now trigger 2 is no signal checked a few times again and either trigger 1 is no signal or trigger 2 both have patterns but one or the other have no signal Hi System, won't let me send any more pictures My biggest concern is i have a rally this Saturday
  23. Thats what i thought at the time but could never get it to fail away from an event hence why i replaced the trigger 1 and changed the power supply and made it 12v instead of the original 5v and rewired to the link loom too I will run a trigger scope tonight already have checked it looked ok both had signals also checked individual spark at plugs and injector assignment test too all ok one question what does it mean in the set up examples on the help tab not to have trigger 1 and 2 in the same window
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