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  1. I spoke too soon. It's still doing it. I played with two other settings: - RPM Filtering (moved from 1 to 2) - Trigger 1 Filtering (moved from 1 to 2) That seems to have helped. No glitches yet. Keeping my eyes on it.
  2. Thanks, Vaughan! That seems to have done the trick. So far so good!
  3. I took a bunch of trigger scope captures. I'm pretty sure I caught them while the tach was at 0 every time, but I took multiple just in case. And I have no idea what to look for, so hopefully one (or all) of them captured something meaningful. Attached. Thanks! TriggerScopeLog5.llgxTriggerScopeLog4.llgxTriggerScopeLog3.llgxTriggerScopeLog1.llgxTriggerScopeLog2.llgx Is there any harm in lowering the trigger arming voltage at low rpm to see what it does? Since it always happens at 1,000-1,200 rpm, I'm wondering if the arming threshold needs to be lowered just a little bit in that rpm range?
  4. Log attached. Glitches can be seen at the tail end of the timeline. Ideas? Thanks in advance. PC Datalog - 2023-09-25 12;27;43 pm.llgx
  5. Well, that's a great idea. I don't know why I didn't think of that. I'll try to get that this weekend.
  6. I have an issue where the tachometer occasionally glitches out. It goes to zero for a second or two. It happens most commonly when decelerating gently, such as coming to a stop at a light. The tach is controlled entirely by the ECU. The issue can be seen in this video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/uS9oT3qSXZiVKNmc6 The tune is available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QYvrK44cNC0hBSvVXLmFTuNCwfMSIKmH/view?usp=drive_link Dealer said to go directly to Link, so hopefully I'm not out of line here. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Nate
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