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  1. Well turns out it did go somewhere... I've made up a paper gasket to go between the manifold and throttle body that has that blanked off and it now idles around 750 as expected
  2. as far as i can tell it only goes to a tube to the right that im guessing would come from a crank case breather or similar, there doesnt seem to be any holes on the inside of the butterfly
  3. Yes i understand the reason for the PC log, i want to know what parameters you want me to select to log? It is a custom manifold with no other intakes on it, image attached it visually looks to be fully closed, image attached
  4. Ive been through the calibration process a few times and am pretty confident that ive got it right, i changed the idle speed control > idle actuator > min clamp to 0% which has got the tps now showing 0% but hasnt resulted in much change. I am pretty confident there are no leaks as when i cover the intake it stalls pretty quickly and what i cover it with gets stuck on pretty well. What parameters would you like to see in the log?
  5. Hi everyone, I have a G5 in an early Subaru WRX (GC8) i have got it running but the idle is all over the place It seems to want to idle around 2000rpm and tends to hunt a bit with the overrun fuel cut status flicking between active and inactive I am running a rather large throttle body (GM LS1) along with 1000cc injectors on the EJ20 so there is alot of fuel and air getting in, but the TPS is showing just 1% and when i cover the throttle body the engine stalls. I just want to get it running and moving around the workshop while i finish things up before heading off to a tuner and an acceptable idle would be a great start. Tune is attached 20240110 - APQ665 G5 Voodoo 43psi fuel.pcl5
  6. Just tried that this evening and no change, whats the go with sending this off to be looked at?
  7. Ive taken measurements at other places around the can bus and showing the same voltages all through. I also grabed a few photos of the very limited scope function on the power probe while looking at the can pins and there is defiantly some data there
  8. I will check the voltage at the other devices tonight when i get home, but copy of the tune is attached. Its fairly empty as it hasnt run yet, just getting the last few sensors connected APQ665 G5 Voodoo.pcl5
  9. No chance of being on CAN2, am coming off the 6 pin CAN1 connector with a CANLTW cable on the G5 through a handful of link CANTEE Y splits
  10. Just checked and I'm showing 2.6v on pin 8 and 2.4v on pin 9, so I'm guessing something isn't right there?
  11. Hi All, I have a Link G5 Voodoo and a Link MXG Strata and i am unable to get any information to pass over the can bus to the dash and not sure where to even start troubleshooting this as I think ive covered everything so far. On the can bus are the following -G5 Voodoo (Termination Enabled) -CAN Keypad 12 -Razor PDM -Blink Marine PG8 -Link MXG Strada (Termination Enabled) The G5, PDM, Keypad and PG8 are all communicating happily back and forth without any issue. However im unable to get the MXG to display any data, I have created a new layout and loaded it into the dash with just ECT and Voltage showing as I figured those values should pass quite happily to the dash. Dont think its of any relevance but the engine is currently not running but have most of the sensors hooked up so far. Screenshots and photo of dash below, any ideas?
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