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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Fudge the cal 4 calibration to make the ecu read the same as the gauge. What you are seeing is ground offset. Maybe the ecu and the gauge are grounded at different places? This is one reason why getting a CAN based lambda unit is such great idea.

  2. The xtreme does not have built in controller. I would rather steer you towards Links own lambda to can unit over the Innovate one.

    Fury and Thunder (and maybe one more) got built in controllers though...

  3. Just remember about tractioncontrol. The digital inputs can only read up to 500Hz. Depending on your absrings (if thats what you are using) you might need to get some device that cuts down the thootcount to get within this limit. Vems sells one. The thunder have a limit of 6000+Hz though..

  4. Boost target is set like that to make for a more predictive drive. No point in full boost when you have only say 50% throttle. The pedal is your torque demand switch and that target table makes for a more natural behaviour..

    Of course the rest of the boostcontrol needs to be tuned correctly...

    Edit. Of course im talking about the principle of setting the boost target table up over tps. Not the actual numbers in it.

  5. Reason for 3D table is there is different deadtimes for different differential fuel pressure. The rest of his 3D table can be found on ID`s website..

    Looks like the reason for dropping fuelpressure can be found in the fuelpump speed table. Looks to be at 45% DC at the lowest part of the pressure. This would also explain the very high VE numbers it the map.

    For some reason Differential Fuel pressure has flatlined at 302 kpa so it doesnt seem like the fuel pressure correction is working like it should. (Where the ECU automaticly corrects for changes in the differential fuel presure).

    As for the original question.. If your idle target is 980 try to adjust the throttleblades so that it will idle at say 750-800 rpm with idle control turned OFF. That way it will always have enough air to idle at al least that rpm and let the ISC valve do the rest to reach your target. Other than that i havent gone very thourough through the logfile yet to see if anything else sticks out.


    EDIT: Fuel system type is set to MAP referenced! Set it to FP sensor and the correction should work. And prepare for a retune my friend ;)

  6. I blew four 4.9 sensors last season (its winter in my world right now).

    However im currently using a different brand ECU but thats beside the point. Lets call it X. It got Bosch controllers built in it though.

    I narrowed it down to beeing a heater problem and blowing sensors like this got me a little puzzeled really. Cause after all the ECU are using Bosch controllers to control Bosch sensors, so you would think there would be no problems at all. I meen you would think Bosch knew how to handle the heating of their own sensors.

    That was until Andy Wyatt (the founder of Adaptronics) made me aware that infact it is NOT the Bosch controller that decides how heating is controlled but the ECU manufacturer. In other words it isnt hardcoded into the controller but a function of settings in the ECU. Then it all made a little more sense to me.

    OEM`s are mainly using 4.9`s and in those applications they lasts for years and years for what its worth...

    X have now fabbed up a new firmware with different heating algoritm for me to test when the next season starts. Well see how it goes.

  7. All is not lost thought.

    You can run a unit like this one


    That will chop down the trigger events to something more managable

    or this


    or this


    There are plenty options out there...


    I suspect it will either stop reading higher or the signal goes erratic. Dont know though. Sure Simon will chime in on this one.

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