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Posts posted by Cnstman

  1. My IQ3 Logger dash works great.  Below are the settings I was advised to use by Racepak.  They don't monitor their forum much, but the tech dept. got back to the company I bought the dash from with-in 30 min and I had my answers.

    Can 1
    Data Rata 1MBPS
    CAN ID 1000
    Data Direction ECU Transmit
    Transmit Rate 20 or 50 is avail.

  2. hello, I have the output wires from my zeitronix ethanol content gauge hooked to ANVolt 4.  Its calibrated correct, and the ecu displays the same value as my gauge.  I see with the new firmware there is a specific DI labeled ethanol sensor.  How can I tell my ecu to use anvolt 4 in stead of this DI?  My ecu is a 2004 usdm Subaru Sti plug in.  When I go to the MISC runtime page the ethanol % always shows the fault value assigned in the DI for ethanol sensor, it does not show my ANVolt 4 value which is correct.  Liikewise my startup tables are using the fault value data vs the correct data from ANVolt 4.  


    If I need to re-wire, which pin on my ecu is the ethanol sensor DI?  the help file does not provide this info.





  3. Finally have my car running again and I am playing with this new feature. Can you explain how the cruise control should work on my 2004 Usdm Subaru sti? I can get it to work from time to time but have to hold in the button on the stalk and push down and release the button just right while still pushing down then release. I can't get the accelerate or coast functions to work at all. Any help would be appreciated.

  4. hello. I have a vipec pnp i88 board for my usdm 2004 subaru sti. I guess this unit would now be considered a link g4+. Has anyone tried the racepak 230-VM-EFILINK vnet Canbus cable and ran a IQ3 digital dash?  I have found some info on people using the racepak vipec v44/v88 cable over serial with mixed results. I figure this cable was designed for G4+ ecu with can onboard results may be better. Thanks. 

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