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Another GTR that has trouble starting


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Did you check base timing?  Pretty odd to have the offset at 0, I think normally around -85 on an RB.

Also, your old fuel table is not suitable as a VE table in modelled mode.  Highlight the whole table and multiply by 2 will be closer.  Also in modelled mode you should turn of the IAT trim table and zero out warm-up enrichment.

Also, at the time you saved that map, your MAP sensor was reading 164Kpa, which doesnt seem right, and you have a 100% fuel cut active for the boost cut.

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12 minutes ago, benjaminogambino said:

Like this?

No, negative 85.  But rather than just put random numbers in there, you should put a timing light on it and adjust the offset until the timing light matches whatever you have in the "lock timing to" box.

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ok so i swear i did it the right way, but it happened to be, right at -85.  Thank you!

 I can get it started with a bit of throttle, but can't keep it running without... I know the instruction book says to use the master fuel tab to adjust once it's running, but adjust how?



08082020 first start.pclx

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1 hour ago, benjaminogambino said:

I know the instruction book says to use the master fuel tab to adjust once it's running, but adjust how?

You dont have a master fuel setting in modeled mode.  The equivalent in modeled mode would be to highlight the whole fuel table (click the grey cell at top left corner), then adjust the whole table up or down (shift + Page up/Pg dwn)

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