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Err codes

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I keep getting all kinds of error codes and access violations and my layout keeps saying line 0 empty. What is going on? It is happening on more that 5 ecu's and 2 different computers. Any ideas of what has happend? Thanks

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I get the same access violation stuff every time i move my laptop from the docking station to the car or vise versa, basically have to restart the vts every time,

have found no solution to this, nor has the vipec support been able to help. i offered to run a debug build and send the logs but it seems thats not how they work.

the other error i've gotten when using scandinc letters on the tool for example saving display tabs with äö type of letters on them. it seems that that data is also

stored to the ecu but it does not encode stuff properly. as a fix i just stopped using anything but the very basic ascii.

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I am not 100% sure what is causing the first error. I am reasonably confident that it can be fixed by reinstalling VTS. If you send your layout files we will try opeining them and see if the problem is that they have become corrupt. If it is the case then it will be possible to implement a fix to prevent this condition in the future. Access Violations are programming mistakes that are usually easily fixed if they can be found. Unfortunately the numbers they give in the message are no use for finding them. Please send your layout files and any other info so we can reproduce and fix this problem.

The second issue (characters causing problems) is to do with the fact that VTS is not written in a unicode compliant system. We have stared converting VTS over to support uniccode but it may be some time before it is released as this is no small task.

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Thanks for the replies. If I just uninstall and then reinstall the vts program will I lose all of my pcl files? If it is my format that has been corrupted then I can easily just build a new format starting from the default one correct? That would be a easy fix. Thanks..

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