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No mixture map from ecu log, inj aux/o fault + other q's

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Hi, I'm running Vipecs in both my street cars. The questions below relate to a V44 I've got on a 1JZ-GTE (with latest software and firmware)

1. I can't get a mixture map generated from ecu log data. I get the following message:

"Unable to draw mixture map.

Log File error: Fuel table parameter missing. Target table parameter missing."

I just attempted to get a mixture map generated from pc log data (I wish I tried this sooner) and it worked.

Is the mixture map meant to work from ecu log data?

2. Two spare injector drivers I'm using for dash mounted LEDs (#3 & #4). When testing these circuits by using the "Test (On)" option:

* if #3 LED is switched on then #4 LED won't switch on

* if #4 LED is switched on then when #3LED is also switched on #4 LED will go out.

I take it this is a bug?

3. Can a internal 2.5bar map ecu be retrofitted with an internal 4bar map?

4. Is there any plan for the mixture map to have as much resolution as the main fuel table so that the main fuel table dosen't have to lose resolution in order for the mixture map to work?

5. I cannot add new -ve values (nor edit existing -ve values) to the load axis of the fuel or ignition maps! When I hit enter to confirm an added or edited -ve value (whilst in the 'axis setup' window) it turns into a +ve value of the same magnitude (e.g. -30 turns into 30).

Any plans to fix this in the near future?

6. When setting up 'wake-up enrichment' up for group fire injection how does the Wake Up Pulses actually work? If you command X wake up pulses at what frequency do these pulses take place and how does this fit in with the two inection events per engine cycle for Multi-point Group mode?

Please if you could take the time to answer these six questions it would be great.

Thanks, Chris

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Just attempted to use the mixture map generated from PC log data with min samples = 3, active zone area = 80% and no enabled filters. The only cells that populated were in the 40kPa load row even though the logs showed I had spent time in other load rows above and below 40kPa. I made sure the navigator window spanned the whole log.

I logged several other times and all had the same problem.

Can I please send map and log for review by you guys? I can't take these issues to the shop I bought the ecu from because I'm only home every 2nd weekend...

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Just attempted to use the mixture map generated from PC log data with min samples = 3, active zone area = 80% and no enabled filters. The only cells that populated were in the 40kPa load row even though the logs showed I had spent time in other load rows above and below 40kPa. I made sure the navigator window spanned the whole log.

I logged several other times and all had the same problem.

Can I please send map and log for review by you guys? I can't take these issues to the shop I bought the ecu from because I'm only home every 2nd weekend...

i had troubles with the mixture map when my axis setup was different than in the fuel map. once that got set properly then it started working just fine.

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AFR table and Fuel Table 1 both have engine speed and MGP as axes and both table's axes have the same values. When a mixture map is generated from PC data it also has identical axes values.

Ignition Table 1 has more resolution but I didn't think this would affect mixture map functionality.

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First update.

Mixture map will work off PC log but will need wideband source set to AN Volt X rather than wideband 1 or 2.

Map sensor can be upgraded but would need to come back to us.

The rest we are still working on.

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Thanks Simon

I was using AN Volt 3 as the wideband source for the mixture map when the 'only 40kPa load row populating' error happened (see the screen print attached to the email I sent you with the tune and log file).

Regards, Chris

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Hi Chris

On the mixture map. If you turn your filters off do you get more in your mixture map?

On the bench if I have the filters off it fill out nicely. I found with filters of 2 samples and 10% of zone I got a very similar thing happening.

For the adjusting the - values when you enter the value does it show (=-xx) not just (-xx)?

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Hi Simon

Just tried entering "=-xx" instead of "-xx" and it worked 100%.

With regards to mixture map, with all filters off I get max number of samples in cells (similar to having min sample = 1 & active zone area = 100%). As I increase min sample and decrease active zone area all samples in cells fall to zero (as they should). The cells with samples seem to be correct in terms of RPM but they are all compressed into the 40kPa MGP row of the table (no matter what combination of filters on or off). When I change the axis of the Fuel Table 1 to MAP then all the cells with samples are compressed into the 40kPa MAP (i.e. -60kPa MGP) row of the table. Definitely something weird going on.

Regards, Chris

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