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Getting signal but no RPM??? ???

Guest |156|

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Hi I have put a new crank trigger set up on a 4 cyl engine, It has 2 pins sticking out on the crank balancer with sensor and a choper disk to read the sync on the cam.I can get the timing mark set up and sync set up with the timing light both sensors are hall type, but for some reason the ecu software will not show an rpm on crank and engine will fire but wont run? the run time value under triggers has count errors and continues every time you crank it. Any suggestions????????? :?:

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Guest Dave-Kriedeman

What trigger arming voltage thresholds are you using.

Click on Trigger 1 and arming voltage threshold will be below it and the same for trigger 2.

Go to the TUNING Tab at the top of the page,

Go to Runtime Values

Go to Triggers/Limits

Go to first column on the left and the last 2 values should be your trigger 1 and 2 arming voltages,

Crank the engine and see what voltages the trigger 1 and 2 come up with.

On the same page look at the Trigger Status.

Does Trigger 1 and 2 say yes or no.

How have you configured your Ignition Main Setup

How have you configured your Trigger 1 and 2 setups.

How have you physically phased your crank and cam sensors. (degrees BTDC/ at TDC)

What air gap do you have with the crank trigger and cam sensor.

So many questions.

Try lowering the crank triggers arming voltage until you see an RPM signal on your laptop.

Be careful not to go to low as this can create issues also, false triggering or multiple triggerings due to over sensitivity.

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