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Less sensors More Teeth ??


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Hello all , my FD3S RX7 utalizes a 12 tooth dual sensor crank position sensing system that has functioned pretty well so far now an after market company is doing a single sensor 32 tooth system that is reported to be even better ! this was said about it by a respected member of our group , "while the FD has a wonderful OE crank pickup things get a little drifty around 8-9000 rpm and a 32 tooth resolution greatly improves the stock 12 tooth. " Is there any merit to this , would this new configuration be an actual upgrade when used with my V88 justifying the cost or would the benefit be neglegable ?

He also said "......gives you the choice of the stock type pickup (reluctor) or a Hall Effect. i chose the Hall sensor for a number of reasons." what are the advantages to this over the OEM magnetic sensor ?




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The single sensor has some appeal from a minimalist point of view but doesn't offer anything in the way of functional improvements.

From a support side I see more issues with multi tooth missing applications than I do with the stock 12 and 1.

Hall sensors are nice and give a very clean signal. But then add another possible failure point in the form of needing a power supply.

At high RPM I doubt the added teeth will be of any benefit.

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^This isexactly what I am thinking , there is even a video on youtube showing a 4* drift between stock and their set-up , maybe the ViPec is actually better than the OEM computer in this regard and it's not actually the pic- up thats making the difference :?: :D

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