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NO_COMPORT_HANDLE when updating firmware


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I am trying to update to firmware of my old N350+ PnP ECU (G4+).

I am using PCLink G4+.

Current ECU firmware is


When i run the firmware update i get an error message "Backing up basemap failed." 


Then the screen freezes for 30-60 seconds, then a pop-up appear with the error mesage:


At no point does the progress bar start moving. 

I have tried changing the com-port, was COM15, is now COM2. 
I have tried running PCLink G4+ as administrator.
I have tried PCLink g4+ ver. 5.6.8 and 5.6.6 (to try one "step" at a time)

I think i am out of ideas, of what to do next.

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I have both genuine link ECU cables: can to PCB cable, and a can to dash cable.

I use a CUSB cable for PCLink to computer connection.

I will try unplugging the days from the can line and try again.

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2 hours ago, Nymand said:

and a can to dash cable.

The CANDASH cable is the problem, despite its name it is actually designed for our old Displaylink dash which used both serial and CAN.  So it has wires connected to the serial pins inside.


2 hours ago, Nymand said:

I will try unplugging the days from the can line and try again.

No, you need to unplug the cable from the ECU.  It is the cable causing the problem, not the dash.  

The other thing you can do to solve the problem if you dont want to unplug the cable everytime you want to connect a laptop is to snip the brown and yellow wires on the CANPCB inside the ecu case.  Only the white and green are used.  It is the brown and yellow causing the issue.




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