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Bug in 4.9 Dual WB


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Now that there is a new addition of WB avg for the V8 community, my single WB is not working at all in Closed Loop. It is fighting trying to avg from '0' on bank 2. So we go dead lean and CL cant fix it. Is this something that can be worked around?


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There is a issue if you have fuel pressure selected as an input. If this is the cas you can set the input to a general 0-5V and the wideband 02 control will then work.

We have a fix sorted and will be in the next firmware release.

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Thanks Simon. To clarify... is the problem present when Fuel Pressure is selected as the type of analog input? If I select a 0-5v analog input... that will solve the closed loop issue, but now my fuel pressure RPM LIMIT map is now useless... I suppose you're saying that we can choose between using the Fuel pressure input and having closed loop operational?

Do you have an ETA for when the new firmware will be released? Thank you for your help.

-Eric Urness

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Correct it is only an issue when you have fuel pressure as an input selection.

You will need to change the limit table to be spanned off 0-5 as opposed to pressure and then you can still use this safety function.

Firmware will be available once testing has been done to a level we are happy with.

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