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Unable to access the ECU through USB

Jo LeForce

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Got a new, out of the box Evo4-8 pnp G4+ serial # 46955, after activation everything seemed to go fine as wiring & a base file were being prepared. Two days later, while performing some final touches to the base file, PClink ( suddenly went offline & I was unable to reconnect! I tried both a different USB port and another laptop to no avail! The ecu seem to function properly but without being able to access it through USB. One important note, that specific USB port on the laptop which was connected to the ECU can't read any other Link ECU now! But it reads other devices such as cell phone or flash memory fine. 

I'd appreciate your feedback

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Is the com port number in device manager match what you have assigned in connection settings?  What message do you get when you try to connect?  

Can you also right click on the com port and show us the hardware ID's like my pic below.


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Hardware IDs are identical to the screen shot you posted. I keep getting the regular message "unable to connect to the ECU, please check that the ECU is properly connected, the power is turned on....etc." If I change the connection setting from auto to manual selecting the right com port, I'd get a different message: "unable to connect to the ECU but the USB connection is present, please cycle the power to the ECU." I disconnected the ECU from the wiring loom, but it didn't solve the problem! In a process of elimination I tried the Following:

Changed com ports, tried a different USB cable, tried 3 different laptops, installed the ECU on a different Link equipped Evo without any success.

I'd appreciate your help



On 1/10/2022 at 12:53 AM, Adamw said:

Is the Blue LED on the ecu board glowing?  Does the ecu show in windows device manager under the Ports - COM and LPT section?

Yes, both, blue LED is glowing & the device manager is seeing the ECU once connected

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