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Strada 1.2 MXS dash won't update


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Hi Guys, We have a WRX STi with G4+ ECU and Link/Aims Strada 1.2 dash, 5". All is working well but we want to change the dash configuration for the upcoming Targa Tasmania rally as it is now speed limited to 200km/hr.

The Race studio 3 software won't transfer the new dash settings as it says a firmware update is needed. I have downloaded the updates to my PC, and when I go to update the device (dash) it loads to about 95-99% then just sits there and won't complete, cycling between about the 95% and 99% complete mark. I have tried numerous times, and waited up to an hour each time, no change. The car ignition is on, dash lit up and connected to car ECU and to laptop via USB. Any ideas?

Thanks Paul




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I havent come across that one before so dont have a lot of advice to offer.  

But I would try a different laptop if you havent already.  I would also disconnect CAN bus or unplug ECU, and any other inputs that are connected to the dash if any.  There is also Aim support office in AU that you could call to see if they have any advice.  


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OK, tried different laptop (older PC and slightly older Race Studio software), and also unplugged the ECU from the dash. Firmware uploaded quickly & successfully and I was able to add/alter the dash. Not sure which part of the above made the difference, but it worked. I'll try altering the dash again from the new laptop tomorrow and see if that works also. Thanks!

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