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Small injector pulse width compensation table?


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Hey guys. I am running id2000s on my 2007 subaru STi. The stock ecu for our cars has a "small ipw" table to compensate for the non-linear response with some injectors when getting into miniscule amounts of fuel required.

What is the best way to go about setting this up on the v88? Is there already a table that might be useful? Or could I possibly setup a table or two to effectively compensate for the non-linear response? I have data on my id2000s showing their exact response.

Thanks for any help.


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So This is what I whipped up. I am not near my car at the moment, but thought I'd post up a couple pictures and see if I'm even headed in the right direction. haha.

The first one is the table I setup using the 4d fuel table. I'm not sure it will work correctly. But the point is to compensate for the linear devation percentage at very small pulse width on the id2000s. The second picture shows the linear deviation I'm trying to compensate for.

Hopefully that makes sense.



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Slight catch to your idea there is that you are correcting the actual pulsewidth based on actual pulse width. It is a closed loop.

The correction for this non linearity is something we are working on but is not achievable currently.

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Thanks. Ya, it sounded good in my head. I assume it wouldn't be any different setting the top axis to "effective PW"? It would really just change the numbers across the top to account for dead time I imagine.

It seems that even though it's closed loop, it would still be a compensation for the fall off in linear response since it's separate of the main fuel table. I just guessed based on the graph from injector dynamics, but if I can get a data table from them showing some actual numbers it might help. I am thinking of it like this... The injector is putting out x amount of fuel at a certain pulse width and that number stays linear until it gets too small. The numbers in the main fuel table are good for the linear response of the injector. Once the response is no longer linear, the fuel called for by the main fuel table is not correct and the idle or super light throttle areas start doing funky things. Bouncing/hunting at idle, etc. If I can get this table setup with the perfect numbers for these injectors, I would imagine it would extend the linearity of the injector down low enough for me to get my 2.5L 4 cylinder to idle nice and solid.

When you say you are planning something similar to this compensation table, do you mean it will be available for the current line of v88, v44, etc. as an update to the firmware? or just looking into it for the next I88 line of boards? If I can be of any help with this particular project/issue, feel free to message me. I'll be glad to test some things out.



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