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CPU updated failed!


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I wanted to reflash Link G4X, but ran into an error. During the flashing, the ignition did not turn off, but the ECU says otherwise.

Now I am in a foolish position when it is waiting for a flashing, but in doing so I cannot finish the flashing.

Gives 2 types of error:

1.) Some how the update had been interruputed


Снимок 1.JPG

Снимок 2.JPG


P.S. I am downloaded latest version software Link

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I have only seen this type of error occur before when the main power supply is missing (pin A5 14V) - such as a bad connection or blown fuse.  The ECU will still power up due to some backfeed through an aux output, but when any processor intensive activity like a firmware update is requested there is not enough current to keep it alive. 

I would suggest removing the ecu from the car and power it up on the bench so you can be sure of the correct power supply then try the firmware update like that.  You only need 12V to pin A5 and ground to pin A34.  

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I tried to do as you said A5 + 14V, A34 ground. I also inserted this G4X into another guaranteed working car. Nothing changes. CPU updated failed!

I just tried to update another one (another). Now I have 2 non-working G4X :D UPDATE On the third attempt, the second ECU was updated. Now I again have one working and one non-working computer.

Any ideas?

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When the second computer was updated from the third time, I understood the strategy! You need more attempts and one ride. In total, I updated the first computer 18 times. And oh yes, it has been updated.

I didn't change ANYTHING from my first attempts. That is, just poke in a circle and sooner or later it will be updated

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Just to add to this post if you have not fixed your issue yet.. Iv experienced similar issues and found that using another laptop with an older version of windows was the solution for me. Even still today my newer computer gives me issues with updating pclink and firmware, so i use an older computer and it sends the update without issues. If you still have issues maybe try a different computer. Best of luck..

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9 minutes ago, k4nnon said:

Just to add to this post if you have not fixed your issue yet.. Iv experienced similar issues and found that using another laptop with an older version of windows was the solution for me. Even still today my newer computer gives me issues with updating pclink and firmware, so i use an older computer and it sends the update without issues. If you still have issues maybe try a different computer. Best of luck..

Thank you for the hint. After many attempts I have updated both Link's

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  • 1 year later...

After you power cycle the ecu does PC Link then connect and behave as normal, or is it stuck in boot mode?  What version firmware is the ecu currently running?

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5時間前、Adamw は次のように述べました:

電源を入れ直すと、ECU は PC リンクに接続して通常は同じように動作しますか、それともブートモードのままですか? ECU が現在実行していることを無効にすることは何ですか?



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Yes, this does sound like there is possibly an issue with the power supply circuit.  I suggest removing the ecu from the car and powering the ecu up on the bench with some test leads and a battery.  If you dont have any of this equipment then you may have to return it to Link Japan to get them to do it.  

The easiest connection to power up the ecu is to use the large TVS diode behind the main header, connect +12V to the striped end and ground to the plain end.  Then try the firmware update again like this.  


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3 hours ago, Adamw said:

はい、これは電源回路に問題がある可能性が高そうです。車から ECU を取り外し、テスト リードとバッテリーを使用してベンチで ECU に電源を入れることをお勧めします。これらの機器をお持ちでない場合は、Link Japan に返却して、彼らに作業を依頼する必要があるかもしれません。  

ECU に電源を入れる最も簡単な接続方法は、メイン ヘッダーの後ろにある大きな TVS ダイオードを使用し、ストライプの端に +12V を接続し、プレーンの端にアースを接続することです。次に、次のようにしてファームウェアの更新を再度試してください。  


I have already tried applying 14-16V between the ECU POWER and GND pins of the Evolink using a power supply, but it did not solve the problem. I understand that this is the same as applying voltage to a diode, but is there any other way to solve this?

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5 hours ago, KNL said:

I have already tried applying 14-16V between the ECU POWER and GND pins of the Evolink using a power supply,

Which pins specifically?  


Can you also check the connection speed setting is set to fast here:



And the connection port setting is set to manual and USB:


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1 hour ago, Adamw said:






接続ポートの設定は手動と USB に設定されています。


The update was successful. Thank you for your great support!!!

First, I checked the connection speed in the configuration and it was "slow", so I changed it to "fast".

Then, the ECU was no longer reset during the update, but the update still failed.

Next, I changed the connection mode from "automatic" to "manual", and the update was successful!
(The connection port was already "USB".)

I'm really thankful to you.


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17 minutes ago, KNL said:

First, I checked the connection speed in the configuration and it was "slow", so I changed it to "fast".

I think this would be the main problem.  After you change that setting, I dont think it takes effect until after the ecu is next power cycled and reconnected.  So probably after the next failure you done a power cycle and this finally updated the connection speed. 

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