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LS1 Commodore Trigger Settings Scope


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Setting up a mates VY Clubsport with a Link Xtreme G4+. Have selected Chev 5-10 for the trigger. We get no rpm when trig 1 & 2 are left as reluctor, but get what I think may be decent trig scopes on that. When set to optical/hall we get RPM but trigger scope doesn't look correct to me. Is anyone able to take a look and guide me in the right direction for it. Cheers!

Sam Clubsport Trigger Scope 3.llg Sam Clubsport Trigger Scope 2.llg Sam Clubsport Trigger Scope.llg G4+ Xtreme Sam VY Clubsport Most Recent.pclr

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They are hall effect and should be set to rising edge.  The first scope capture is wrong as it was set to reluctor during that.  The 2nd one looks like it is a capture of a stationary engine (capture button probably clicked before cranking). The 3rd one only shows about half a crank revolution, but what is there looks ok.  


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