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Rx7 S6 initial setup


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Hi, currently got the car running idle is a bit high and a little rough running could do with a little help to just get the car running and able to get it to a MOT test and dial out any issues before eventually being mapped by someone else.

Specs wise single turbo running direct fire smart coils and injectors are now 950cc/2200cc Vs the stock 550cc/850cc and also fitted the link can lambda, have followed the guide to install and setup in the can screen but changed no other settings

The only fuel setting I have touched is the master fuel which is currently 10ms

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hi Adamw, I havent touched any of the timing, only changes were setting the direct fire, switching fuel temp to oil temp, switching map sensor to link 4 bar and lowering the master fuel.


Ive attached one of the logs but unsure if did it right, idle is high as no thermowax and throttle body needs tweaking as was off another vehicle, idle valve has since been turned down. it kind of idles but any small throttle input and it stutters

Log 2023-07-12 3;37;18 pm.llg

also installed the can lambda which im assuming is working correctly as was found and setup as the canbus setup instructions but again have made no changes to anything lambda wise 

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I would say the "stutter" is mostly the Limiter because the oil pump isn't working.  It looks like it could do with richening up a bit - just increase the master fuel a little.  Ignition timing needs to be checked.  

Set up the staged injector sec/pri flow ratio as per the formula in the help file initially, but this will need proper testing under load to verify once you have the oil pump etc fixed.  

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