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im having problems with timing as far as i can tell, i have spark and fuel and in diagnostics it says both sensors are present,but every time i crank it comes up with errors. i have wired it for sequential injection and direct spark, i have set the ecu for sequential but i cant find anywhere to change the ignition side of things, also on the last page of the book it has notes: sync out at 100 degrees btdc #1 how or where do i make sure this is set right?


Firstly I need to know what ECU you are using.  If the trigger error counter is increasing during cranking, that suggests that the ECU is not counting the correct number of pulses that it expects to see.   You will need to lift the lid off the ECU and make sure that the correct sub-board is fitted.  It should have a sticker labelled SUBMAXI.  The next thing to check is that the crank angle sensor has a reluctor with 21 teeth and another reluctor with 4 teeth.  Make sure the 21 tooth sensor is wired to trigger 2 and the 4 tooth sensor wired to trigger 1.  Make sure the polarities are correct.


im using a link plus g1 v14, its says sub maxi on the sticker, and the tooth count is correct.

the trigger error stays at 2 when cranking with the sync ratio at 6:1

with it set at 3:1 it rises quickley

when in diagnostics it says both sensors are present, or can they still be wired wrong and still show present?


Sync ratio should be 6:1 as the sub-board decodes the 21/4 signal to a regular 6/1 pulse signal for the ECU.  Getting a trigger error count of 2 at the start of cranking is not unusual as long as it does not continue coutning during cranking (note that it may if cranking speed gets very low).  Have you wired the coils in the correct firing order?  Have you checked with a timing light to see where the ignition is firing?


i have wired it  1-2-3-4-5-6 as per the factory fsm

i will double check the wiring tonight and get a timing light on it.

so am i worrying about the sync out @ 100 btdc or will that allready be right?


From memory that firing order sounds correct.  The 100 deg btd is taken care of by the sub-board decoding software.  Get a timing light on and see what is happening...


with the timing light on it, winding it over with the starter im getting about 17 degrees,so thats pretty much right going off the service manuel that says 20, but i have the link set to 10,

does this mean i have a fault in the wiring somewhere?


It means that you have to repostion the crank angle sensor to get the timing on the engine to match the timing on the ECU.  Do this with the engine running.  Dont worry about what the factory manual says as that number is for the factory ECU!   Winding over with the starter will give a pretty inacurate timing value, you will need to check it properly when the engine is running.  So if you have timing in the correct place and fuel then why does it not go?  Are the plugs fouled?  Is the timing happening on the right TDC?


i couldnt see any other way to solve it,  at a geuss im thinking because i wired it seqential, that was the problem, if i had of gone with the normal group fire i wouldnt have had the problem seeing it would have fired every 180 and gone no problem?


Sync Ratio is to do with how many cylinder pulses the ECU expects for each sync pulse (remember that the sub-board decodes the engines trigger pattern to a 6/1 pattern).  The Sync Position setting tells the ECU what cylinder the sync pulse occurs before.  So if the sync pulse occurrs perfore TDC firing of No 3 cylinder, then set Sync Position to 3.  It can be found in the configuration menu.  If you have wired your firing order to suit and as long as your injection is wired the same as the ignition, then there will be no need to change anything.

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