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Help with wheel speeds

Brad Wallbank

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I have a Link G4 Extreme wired into a JZX100 running a 2JZGE+T forged engine.

I have used the coil method to up the tacho voltage for the tacho without an issue, and can drive the speedo using an IGN output as the dash sweep when switch on works.

The issue I am having is that I cannot read the left front ABS sensor to get a speed into the ecu to be able to output.

I first wired the  wheel speed signal into digital input 6 with sensor signal and sensor ground. this was unsecuessful with or without the pullup resister.

I have now tried wiring the sensor to +8v out with a grounding resister of 1.15kohm which gives be a sine signal 1.6-1.8v which i can see increases frequency with speed but the ecu will not read anything.

do i need to increase the ground resistor to up the voltage or will this not read anything into the g4?

Please someone help me get a wheel speed signal in the ecu.

Many Thanks

Brad =)


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