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Change what is sent over canbus to dash


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Is it possible to alter what is sent to the dash cluster via canbus for plugin ecu?

Can I trigger the ecu to send ethanol percentage to the rev counter scaled rather than rpm? eg e85 would be 8500rpm.

The next step would be to also trigger the fuel pump at the low speed setting and sent fuel temp to the dash water temp.


With conditions that engine is not running and the input trigger is true (DI or resistance ladder keypad button held down) as well as it would only be used to mix e100 with 98 already in the tank.

This saves wiring up a ethanol or addition canbus gauge.


v11 Sti 

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Currently no.  I investigated something similar on our STI and the DCCD would fault if you sent a fake RPM without the rest of the data it expects.  It is still something I would like to do in future plug-ins where we can but I think we will find it is very model specific, some cars will be happy and others not. 

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Is the error when the engine is off or while running?

what about if just the water temp dash gauge was used?
Scaled for mid point being 85% and 5% per mark so 75-95% overall.

that maybe less likely used by systems.

for Sti fuel gauge is still resistance driven so can’t reuse that.

could put DCCD in test mode while sending fake data since the car wouldn’t be moving.

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7 hours ago, Squirrel said:

Is the error when the engine is off or while running?

Engine off. 


7 hours ago, Squirrel said:

what about if just the water temp dash gauge was used?
Scaled for mid point being 85% and 5% per mark so 75-95% overall.

You should be able to do that if you wish.  Does it really matter if you have 75 or 95% in the tank though?  I haven't really seen any difference with anything above about 50%...  

You can use a math block to send ethanol content out in place of ECT.  Set up below would send ethanol content out in place of ECT when virtual aux 2 is true.  Move the ECT input to a GP temp, assign the native ECT to a math block, then set up the mathblock to swap between eth and GP temp.  This example would just send out the raw Eth% as ECT - so 90% eth would sent out as 90°C on the CAN bus.  I have no idea how the internal gauge scaling works so you may have to scale that eth output to make your gauge show what you want.  


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