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VL RB30 no spark


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Hi brains trust,


I have recently installed a a G4x fury into my VL Commodore with an RB30. 

I can’t for the life of me get any spark. 

reading through previous posts, I have cleared some of the issues I was having (engine protection enablers) but now with all that rectified there is still no spark. 

I am thinking it may have something to do with my triggers. I have verified the wiring pinouts are correct. 

please see attached screen shot. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


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Do us a trigger scope while cranking.  

Go to >ecu controls>trigger scope.  Start cranking the engine then click the capture button on the triggerscope window while it is still cranking.  When you have a waveform showing on screen you can stop cranking and save that file.  Attach it here.  

Do us a short PC log of it cranking as well.  To do this, hit the F8 key to start logging, crank the engine for a few seconds.  Hit F8 again to stop recording.  Go to >logging>save log file as, save it and attach here.  

Attach a copy of your tune also.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Adam,

Apologies for the slow reply.

Please see attached trigger scope file (stopped cranking momentarily mid capture) and tune file. 

The car did have next to no noise when carrying out trigger scope test previously, and the CAS tested bad, so that was replaced.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

TriggerScopeLog 22.8.llgx VL Turbo SL current.pclx

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Your first scope has a patch in the middle where you stopped cranking, and for the second one you have clicked the capture button before you started cranking rather than clicking when it was cranking.  But from the little bits you have captured it looks ok.

One issue in your map is you have the spark edge set to rising, it should be falling.  This could have potentially fried the coil or ignitor so, change that setting to falling, then confirm you have a spark in test mode.  



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